Hangin’ out with JEN!!!!
Hola!How ya all doin?Summer is over,sadly,and here I am with my "holidaze report".No,wait,of course I won’t be boring you with descriptions of what I did in Uk or showing you the route I took to get there (your loss anyway!), I am here to report on...my meeting with the lady herself,Jennifer Bishop!!!
Jennifer is,as most of you already know,my favourite Tampasm band member,and I was so happy when she started emailing me!So I was even happier when she said it would’ve been cool if i got to see her during this summer.Address in my pocket,I arrived in England on the 5th of August,and went straight to her hometown.Me and my friends had other plans,we were supposed to stay one day in Dover to relax after the travel (800 miles,from Monza to Dover!),but as soon as I touched English ground,I realized I could not wait any more time:I had to see Jen!!!
So,in the afternoon of the 5th,I got to her town (sorry I won’t be telling where Jennifer lives,that is her own business and I respect privacy!).After some asking around,I found where the place she works in was,so I rushed there,only to find...a guy behind the counter!Argh!I thought it was her free day,so I left (a bit sad,but anyway!) and had a good day walking around.The second day came and...argh!This time there was a girl behind the counter,but she was not Jennifer!
I was starting to get desperate,so just to cheer me up I made friends with some local youth and after some time I asked them to take me to the home address of Jen (won’t be telling this,either,of course!!!).So,er,I just went there and praised her house,but I didn’t want to bother her or her family at home!The deal was to meet her at work!I had a good time with the guys and girls I had met,so I stayed there another day.The third day,I really had to leave.I was resolved to go to her house,if i didn’t find her at the shop.So,I went to the shop and...argh!Yet another girl was behind the counter!
But,there was something familiar in her look. I looked at her for some time,then I went out and asked my friend Gabriele to come and help me...that girl was looking quite familiar,but I was not sure...We had another look,then we both agreed that,er,we were not sure,so I went to the girl and said we were looking for one Jennifer who worked there...
"Hey!It’s here!It’s me!" she said!
Wow!She changed her look a bit!No more piercings!New hairstyle!New hair colour!Same beauty!I started jumping around for happiness,then we agreed to see in the park during her lunchbreak.She arrived a bit late,cause she had been looking for us all over the park,but didn’t think we were sitting in the section of it reserved to children!LOL!
Well,we started talking a lot,while eating,starting from her new look,going through Tampasm and ending up with nerdy fan questions about Alice Cooper!So,her new look was,as I had figured out,due to the need for job.Sadly,not everyone is cool enough to understand that piercings are GREAT (things will change when I’ll be the king of the world...),so she had to remove them,except the tongue one (lovely!) and the nose one.

Tampasm,then...i asked them about any reunion hopes,she said she’d like to play in the band again,but the problems with the label were too much shit to take,and so she does not foresee anything with Tampasm in the near future,since the other girls are all going on with their lives,too.But,she just said this thing which hit me like a sledge hammer...Tampasm had been been phoned by Skid Row,who asked them to reform and support them in the upcoming tour!I mean.....WOW!Skid Row!The girls were tempted,but then said it would have been hell to go to the studio and rehearse all the songs,and write new things,all in a rush,and with a pain in their hearts they had to say "No" to the Skidz!Wow they do have balls!
I then started asking things about the bands they had been playing with...sorry but Alice Cooper is god to me!Jennifer said he is just a great man,a very gentleman!Wow,I knew that,but hearing this from someone who has talked to him and opened concerts for him,is so cool!!!!!I also like WASP,and i asked about the "sandwich accident",and Jen laughed.I had met Wasp 2 years ago,so I asked her if Chris Holmes was always drunk,as he was when I met him.She said a loud "YES!",he was always drinking and doing drunk things...like,he asked Jennifer to write a thing for him on his t-shirt,one night.And,you know what the writing was?It was the cool "Lady D eats here (big arrow pointing down in the jeans...)" writing!I had seen it on Headbangers Ball (when it used to rock...),and I was amazed by it,and now I
learnt that Jennifer wrote it!Wow!!!!!then,it was time for some star gossip,so we were told who’s a tosser and who’s not,who tries to freak out people and who just wants to drink beer together (no names can be said here!top secret stuff!).
It was all very cool,to be hearing these things,to be sitting in a park with Jennifer,the Tampasm bassist who at an age younger than mine (happy 20th b-day,by the way!) had already done all these things and met all these gods (and tossers!).I then took some pics and got some things signed,to show you all that it was not a dream!!!
Well,she added that she has been contacted by a new band and they were going in a studio the following week.I just hope everything went well with them,and that soon they’ll have a single going out!(Jen,if you’re reading this..send me the demo!!!)Jen said she was really missing going onstage and making a mess!
Jennifer could not go out with us in the evening because she was busy with her boyfriend,but she pointed us to a cool club in Brighton,and we had a great time.I just missed her,hope next year she’ll be free for a night!
Oh,one last thing!She also said that,on the first day we were in town,she was queueing at the post office,and she looked out of the window and thought "Hey!That face looks familiar!".Then she thought for some time and realized..."It is Paolo!".She ran out of the door but we I was already gone!(I was looking for her in the town,hoping I’d stumble into her...).Now,that is bad luck!But,it’s nice to think she recognised me!
Well,that's all,till next year!!!